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Who has benefitted.. 

Where your money goes...

With permission we are able to share some stories from people you have helped.  
Who are very grateful for your kindness when it mattered most. 
The work of the LDF is confidential.
We never disclose details of grants made without permission. 

Lisa Molkner-Fford

Thank you LDF 

Steve Barton

Special thank you to the LDF from the Barton Family

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I m Alvin Lee from Malaysia, Excuse the broken English. 

i very saluted LDF from last year mid of September for gave me some donations fund to supported my economy problems. Its really HELP ME a lots of to survived my Living problems, Thanks again LDF n wish u all Happy, Health and safety wonderful days


Attempt at translation. 

I am very grateful to the LDF for the grant they gave me last September. It helped me through my financial problems and helped to keep me going through a difficult time for me. Thank you again LDF. I wish you all happiness, good health and safety in the years ahead. 

Woman with Paper Mask

This section is to represent all those who have been supported by the LDF since the Covid-19 pandemic began in 2020. The line dance community suffered significantly, not just loss of income and financial hardship, but the heartbreak of missing contact with family, loved ones, friends and colleagues.  

For many people line dance was their main source of income but it was also a passion, a hobby, an escape, a way of life.  As classes, dance studios, social clubs, and events began to close all around the world the effect was devastating.  Nothing could have prepared us for the months that lay ahead.  


Instinctively people turned to the LDF for support and, without prompting, a massive fund-raising drive started with thousands of pounds being raised in numerous ways.  That momentum continues to this day and it goes a long way to proving how generous and thoughtful line dancers are. 


I had a really tough time.  My income disappeared over night.

I have a wife and kids and yes my mental health suffered. I was just getting over a series of heart attacks and surgery. The lights went out and it was a dark dark place. I felt abandoned.

Then the LDF reached out and saved my family from the brink.

I don’t deserve the kindness shown and I’ll never be able to say thank you enough.

Time has passed and I am back out doing what I do.

Yes I have had to sell my house but we made it through. So thank you. Each and every one of you.


Remember to let me know any LDF events that I can perform at to help raise funds for the future.

I will never forget. 

Ethan Allen. UK.  October 2021.

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Gary O'Reilly had to cancel several paid events and classes due to serious infection which spread around his body and settled into his shoulder. He was hospitalized for treatment but did not have any health cover insurance. His condition was more serious than first though, the infection was so serious he was in danger of losing his arm.  At this date. 24th Nov he is still unwell and has had to cancel events and his classes - it is likely he will be without income until the New Year. 

Since receiving some help from the LDF Gary has made a full recovery and in his fundraising efforts he has more than re-paid every euro of his grant. Although there is no obligation whatsoever to do this he has worked tirelessly to promote the LDF and to raise fund. 


Gary O'Reilly 

Eire - November 2018

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I have been totally blown away by the love and generosity shown by the LDF (Line Dance Foundation) during my husband, Werner’s illness and recovery.  The work this foundation does and how they help the Line Dance Community and Instructors is phenomenal. 

Four weeks ago to the day, Werner went into sudden cardiac arrest early morning at the gym. The initial diagnosis was that he would not come off the ventilator and that he would be in a vegetative state due to lack of oxygen to the brain.  The private hospital was the only option we had of keeping him alive .
The LDF generously contributed to this fund and their grant, together with many others have aided in Werner’s phenomenal road to recovery.   Wherever you are in the world dance friends, please support the LDF by becoming an ambassador and raising funds in your country and contributing to a very worthy cause…that’s certainly what I’ll be doing!


Karin van der Merwe

South Africa - July 2018


I cannot tell you how grateful I feel, nor how much this kindness means to me. I am in tears. While out walking my dog I fell and totally snapped my ankle. It was facing back to front and the pain was beyond words. I was originally told I would loose my foot, which was devastating. I cannot thank you enough or stress more strongly the massive impact that this kindness will have on us. Oh my goodness. It feels like an answer to my prayers. You just have no idea just how much we need the help...we have been cashing in our endowments to try and keep afloat.

Emma Wilkinson 

UK.  - June 2018

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Thank you so much for this kind gesture. Words can't explain and express how I feel. I'm so proud to be part of this line dance family. It's amazing how everybody is actually supporting each other and how much love they have for one another. The LDF helped me to solve emotionally and practically worries with the problems we faced over finances, debts and not being able to dance. To physically and emotional recover for six months and not able to dance is one of the biggest struggles I've ever encountered.

The support from the LDF means the world to me, I will support it and support our fellow dance family in need. 


Roy Hadisubroto 

The Netherlands - February 2018

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Donny was  struck down with an illness and become paralysed from the neck down. S dance instructor and choreographer based in Sumatra.  While in hospital the LDF was able to support him although sadly Donny passed away shortly after. LDF received this message:- "Donny and his family send a million thanks to the LDF the money is already received by Donny, may God bless you and your families and all the LDF members with glory, joy, good health, and forever in happiness". 

Donny Andrea

Sumatra - November 2017

Graham Morgan

Graham's wife Ena was diagnosed with the debilitating Motor Neurone disease, He had to close most of his classes to care for her along with her 92 year old father.
Apart from the financial implications Graham “breathes line dancing” so it will be hard for him to give up such a big part of his life. Graham said, “When you are told that the one you love has been diagnosed with MND it feels like the whole world is crumbling around you. “So when we received this unexpected grant our hearts rejoiced. Thank you so much, it will make a big difference.”


Graham Morgan 

U.K. - August 2017


Earlier this year, I suffered a spinal stroke as a result of complications with a medical procedure, I am left a paraplegic, wheelchair bound and dependent on others for my care. I am residing in a nursing home for the assistance I need – unable to return to my home or live the independent life I once had. It has been a very traumatic and challenging time. 
I would like to thank the Line Dance Foundation for their kind donation, for which I am very grateful. This support is very much appreciated and will assist funding equipment that I now require. Thank you.
Note:  Sadly Marilyn subsequently passed away. RIP  


Marilyn Vanderpol

Australia - July 2017

Lesley Steward

Following some spells of double vision Lesley underwent test. She was informed she had had a bleed in her brain and she was NOT to dance.  As a full time dance instructor this devastating news affected her emotionally and impacted on her income too.   The prognoses looks good and Lesley said, “Thank you so much. Line dance is my full time job and no work means no pay. The LDF grant has meant I don’t have to rush straight back. I can make sure I am fully recovered.”


Leslie Stewart 

U.K. - July 2017 

Brian Bambury

Brian was suffering from Vascular Dementia. As one of the original six couples trained by the  D&G, school of dance he and his wife Ann are credited as pioneers introducing many people to line and western dancing.  The LDF where able to offer help at just the right time.  Anne told us, “I was just in awe at how kind this organization could be. We recently had to have a no-step walk-in shower fitted to help with Brian’s care. The grant came at just the right time. Thank you so much”.


Ann & Brian  Bambury 

U.K. - May 2017

Catrina Farnell

Being a competitive Line dancer and embarking on a Dance Degree, losing the feeling in your legs is the last thing you want to happen. Catrina’s condition was eventually diagnosed as Cauda Equina, a degenerative disease which she was told would eventually paralyse her. The LDF was able to help Catrina raise funds towards a very specialist operation in the USA to repair a part of the dura of her spinal cord.
Catrina told us “I cannot thank you enough for the donation, our dance community has provided so much support and love, so I have never felt alone. I hope to dance again, even if it is in a wheelchair. I was overwhelmed by the help you gave me. Thank you."


Catrina Farnell

U.K. - March 2017 

Jan Wyllie

We believe this is the last email Jan wrote. Sadly she passed away on 5th March 2017.
“I have just had my day made ..... at 8pm on Thursday night. I spent yesterday in hospital and most of today in bed.... just ventured down to my computer to find this email from you and the transfer from the Foundation. What an absolutely incredible thing this is..... and I am most appreciative.
"Life is a bit tough when things go wrong and with the cost of medication to me at 150 dollars a day it will soon be more expedient to die than to try to keep on living.. lol. So, as you can see this gift from the LDF is an amazing thing and Annie and I thank you very much.
"We should get the Foundation paperwork done asap because quite honestly, I don't know how much longer I will be here for, they said weeks rather than days, so that is better than days rather than hours I guess..... it is hard to keep on feeling positive when you can't breath.... but I am still trying.....I am sending you a warm hug and thanks to the LDF for making me feel a bit better.  Cheers n all ... Jan xxx 

Jan Wyllie 

Australia  Feb 2017

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Sue Hall went from teaching 15 line dance classes a week to being totally bedridden. After three years of suffering a very painful and debilitating condition she was eventually diagnosed with Lyme disease.
Sue says," I want to express my sincere and deep gratitude to the LDF for the kind donation. It will go towards helping with my rehabilitation and training. It is such a relief not to worry about lack of funds. "I hope one day to be able to be back dancing so I can help to give back."


Sue Hall 

Canada - Jan 2017

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“Thank you so much for the grant, it means more to me than anything right now. Just to know that you are being thought of by friends and others in the dance community is just amazing.  

Chris began to suffer from what he now knows is vertigo. Amongst other symptoms it  greatly affected his balance and made it impossible for him to dance and instruct his classes. The LDF foundation was able to help relieve some of the stress with a grant


Chris Atkinson 

U.K. - November 2016

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Arline a well-know and much loved 81 year old dance instructor in Florida who sadly  became seriously ill lin 2016. She was in hospital for quite some time and very worried about her large hospital bills. The LDF was able to help her.

This is what Arline wrote: “I thank you a million times for the donation you made when I was sick - it was a wonderful surprise and very much appreciated. I will never forget your kindness. My goal now is to be the “oldest” line dance teacher in Florida”.


Arline Winerman

U.S.A. - November 2016

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Deshimona was a popular line dance instructor and choreographer from Indonesia. Sadly in 2016 she lost her battle against ovarian cancer. Towards the end the cancer spread to her shoulders and spine resulting in compression of the spine making her immobile from the waist down.  Although on morphine she kept herself alert by line dancing in her mind and even choreographed a new dance shortly before she died.
The LDF donation helped pay for personal items that she needed as there was no health benefits or government assistant. It also helped towards her telephone bills so that she could keep in contact with all her dancing friends.

Desdemona recorded a video message before she died to thank the LDF but we feel it is too upsetting to share. She and her family wanted to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the LDF. RIP Deshimona.

Deshimona Moenawar 

Indonesia - July 2016 

Alan Livett.

In May 2016 I sustained serious burns to my face, upper body and arms. After 20 days in the burns unit and various skin grafts I faced a very difficult year. I have to wear a compression shirt under my clothing to help with the scaring, but the worst part is trying to stretch the skin to get mobility back for my arms. It's agony. The donation will be a big help with the costs of the compression garments to help with the healing. Slowly, slowly….I’ll get there.
"I just wanted to thank the LDF so much from the bottom of my heart, for the very thoughtful and gracious gesture."

Alan Livett

U.K. - May 2016 

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Jackie had been teaching two classes for more than six years when suddenly she was stuck down with a bleed on the brain. She was very ill and her road to recovery is slow but this is what Jackie told us, “The grant I received from LDF really did help with travelling to hospital and even my GP, although the GP was a 10 minute walk away, I had to get taxis as I couldn’t walk or stand for than more than a few minutes. It also helped paying bills when I first came home from hospital, I was in for three weeks.
"The donation helped me so much. I am so grateful to the LDF and all the people who support it.”

Jackie Lynn 

U.K. April 2016

Glynn Holt

Glynn has a very rare condition that affects the bones throughout his body including his eyes and hearing. He has already lost one eye which has been replaced with a prosthetic and is in danger of losing sight in the other eye. This is what Glynn wrote after he received a donation from the LDF. 
“I can't believe what's arrived from the LDF. Thank you ever so much, I can't believe someone has done that for me. I cried when I got the letter and cheque. You have made it possible for me to buy a voice activated computer system so that I don’t have to struggle with dance sheets and dance news any more.

Glynn Holt

U.K. - November 2016

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While working in Spain, Dave Blake collapsed on stage. He had three aneurisms and was in a coma for 22 days. When he regained consciousness he could not speak and had lost his memory. Things took a turn for the worse when he contracted Meningitis and became gravely ill.
His only form of income was from his dance classes which he was unable to hold but he still had all his outgoing and four dogs to feed and care for. Dave is making a steady recovery.  He says “I will be eternally grateful to the LDF who helped me through a traumatic and life threatening time. Their kindness will never be forgotten.”

Dave Blake 

U.K. - February 2016 

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Heather was diagnosed with breast cancer and began her journey of various treatments. Heather said she had always encouraged her dancers to support LDF but little did she know that one day she would be relying on the LDF herself.

“The grant  took away some of the stress and worry regarding finances and it allowed me to concentrate on getting better.
"I am so very grateful."

Heather Freeman 

U.K. - Dec 2015 

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